At a glance

What: Mini-Retreat
When: Sat | 7 October | 10 am -1 pm
Where: Arnsburger Straße 76
Price: 20 € | with Zentrumskarte 0 €
Live Stream: yes

Booking recommended

*only for persons with center card


Watch your breath… so simple. But, as you will know if you’ve ever tried, simple is not the same as easy. This is why it’s so easy to get frustrated with meditation – because the idea is so simple, we expect to be able to do it. But ease only comes through familiarity – this is true of everything. It’s the same with meditation: we’re trying to do something very unfamiliar to us, i.e. relax! We try to relax all the time: we soak in the tub or go on holidays, but relaxing is a lot harder than it sounds, because we’re simply not used to it. If our mind is busy, we will not feel relaxed. So although meditation might not be easy, don’t give in to the frustration: the results will be worth it.

Learn how to make your meditations more enjoyable by cultivating a relaxed attitude towards meditation.
Everybody welcome!

The purpose of meditation is to make our mind calm and peaceful. If our mind is peaceful, we will be free from worries and mental discomfort, and so we will experience true happiness; but if our mind is not peaceful, we will find it very difficult to be happy, even if we are living in the very best conditions. If we train in meditation, our mind will gradually become more and more peaceful, and we will experience a purer and purer form of happiness. (Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche)

In this mini-retreat, we will learn and practice the basics of training in concentration according to Buddhist tradition in a modern and practical presentation suitable for all: whether new to the practice or with previous experience, everyone is welcome.

Session times are:
10-11:15 a.m.

During the break there will be tea, coffee and cookies, as well as time for conversation and questions. Each session consists of instruction and meditation.
Meditating is done on cushions or chairs as desired. No special clothing is required, but feel free to bring writing materials for notes. No prior knowledge is necessary for our half-day classes. Everyone is welcome!

What is a Retreat?

By freeing oneself from distracting physical, verbal and mental actions and instead focusing undisturbed on a spiritual practice, one can have a deep experience of meditation and inner peace.
Our short retreats here at KMC Frankfurtare a way to get a taste of retreat and disconnect from everyday life.

Want to do more? No problem. If you want a more intensive retreat under ideal conditions, you can do it in one of our retreat centers.

Ideal retreat locations of the New Kadampa Tradition:

Tharpaland Kadampa Meditationszentrum

Located in the forests of Brandenburg, yet only a stone’s throw from Berlin, the beautiful Schloss Sommerswalde offers ideal conditions for all kinds of spiritual vacations.

International retreat center set against the breathtaking backdrop of the Swiss Valais with views of the Matterhorn. Here one is specialized in retreats, even solitary retreats are possible.

Weitere Adressen:

Tara IKRC: Internationale Retreat Center in Derbyshire, England

IKRC Grand Canyon: International Retreat Center and Temple in Arizona, USA


Sandra Lacueva teaches our Meditation Class on Fridays and workshops in English.
She met Kadam Dharma in South Africa in 2010 and lived at the Kadampa Buddhist Temple in Portugal for two years. Now she works at a bank in Frankfurt.

„I would like to share my experience of integrating meditation into a busy daily life. Feel welcome to join!